Free devices maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector. Toshiba transistor silicon npn epitaxial type pct process 2sc1815 audio frequency general purpose amplifier applications driver stage amplifier applications high voltage and high current. Baseemitter saturation voltagecollectoremitter saturation voltagefigure 4. C9018 datasheet am fm if amplifier transistor usha, 2sc9018 datasheet, c9018 pdf, c9018 pinout, c9018 equivalent, circuit, c9018 schematic, manual. Production specificationsilicon epitaxial planar transistors9018c085. S8050 equivalent s9011 s9012 s90 s9014 s9018 s9014 equivalent s8550 equivalent 2sa708 transistor s90 npn s8550 data sheet transistor s8050 transistor to92 s8050 text. A1015 pnp epitaxial silicon transistor elite enterprises h. S9018 pdf, s9018 description, s9018 datasheets, s9018 view. S9018 datasheet pdf, s9018 data sheet, s9018, s9018. Secos general purpose transistor,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. S9018 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. S9014 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Sot23 plasticencapsulate transistorss9018 transistor npnfeaturesamfm amplifier, local oscillator of fmvhf tunerhigh current gain bandwidth product ft1.
Sot23 plasticencapsulate transistors s9018 transistor npn features z amfm amplifier, local oscillator of fmvhf tuner z high current gain bandwidth product f t1. S9018i npn silicon transistors components datasheet pdf data sheet free from datasheet data sheet search for integrated circuits ic. S9018 datasheet, s9018 pdf, s9018 data sheet, s9018 manual, s9018 pdf, s9018. Ss9014 npn epitaxial silicon transistor absolute maximum ratings ta25c unless otherwise noted electrical characteristics ta25c unless otherwise noted hfe classification symbol parameter ratings units vcbo collectorbase voltage 50 v vceo collectoremitter voltage 45 v vebo emitterbase voltage 5 v ic collector current 100 ma. The s9014 is an npn epitaxial silicon planar transistor designed for use in the audio output stage and converterinverter circuits.
S9018 transistor electrical equipment semiconductors scribd. S9018 g npn silicon transistors classification of h fe rank g h i range 70108 97146 198 features o92 plastic t encapsulate transistors capable of 0. Free packages are available maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector. Transistor bc 5480 datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Lead temperature soldering, s9018 npn transistor is an amfm amplifier, local oscillator of fmvhf tuner transistor. S9018 datasheet, s9018 pdf, s9018 data sheet, s9018 manual, s9018 pdf, s9018, datenblatt, electronics s9018, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet. C9018 datasheet pdf ktc9018, npn transistor kec, ktc9018 datasheet, c9018 pdf, c9018 pinout, c9018 equivalent, c9018 circuit, c9018 schematic. The s9018 npn transistor is an amfm amplifier, local oscillator of fmvhf tuner transistor. Collector pnp epitaxial silicon transistor absolute maximum ratings ta25c unless otherwise noted symbol parameter ratings units vcbo collecto. Toshiba transistor silicon npn epitaxial type pct process.
Especially suited for use in driver stages of audio amplifiers, low noise input stages of tape recorders, hifi amplifiers, signal processing circuits of television receivers. S9018 datasheet, s9018 datasheets, s9018 pdf, s9018 circuit. Absolute maximum ratings maximum temperatures storage temperature 555. Bilin silicon epitaxial planar transistor,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. S9018 datasheet npn transistor pinout, circuit, pinout, schematic, equivalent, replacement, data.
Ordering information collector 3 2 base 1 emitter 2n 390x yww x 3 or 4 y year ww work week pb. Complementary pair with sts9012 ordering information type no. Nov 30, 2015 i have looked across the data sheets but are still not certain what the advantage of a s9018 is over saya 2n2222 or the like. Any changing of specification will not be informed individual s9018 npn silicon general purpose transistor device marking s9018 j8 power dissipation. S9018 npn silicon general purpose transistor device marking s9018 j8 power dissipation 3 p cm.
Hdsemi sot23 plasticencapsulate transistors,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Amfm amplifier, local oscillator of fmvhf tuner, s9018 datasheet, s9018 circuit, s9018 data sheet. S9012 pnp silicon transistors to92 dimensionsc inches mm dim min max min max note a. Fairchild amfm amplifier, local oscillator of fmvhf tuner,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Free packages are available maximum ratings rating symbol value unit drain.
C9018 datasheet 2sc9018, amfm if amplifier transistor. Emitter voltage 2n5550 2n5551 vceo 140 160 vdc collector. Vceo 50 v min, ic 150 ma max excellent hfe linearity. C9018 datasheet 2sc9018, amfm if amplifier transistor usha. Datasheet search engine for electronic components and semiconductors. Utc npn epitaxial planar transistor,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors.
To92 plasticencapsulate transistors s9018 transistor npn features z high current gain bandwidth product maximum ratings t a25. S9018 npn silicon general purpose transistor components datasheet pdf data sheet free from datasheet data sheet search for. Silicon epitaxial planar transistor, s9018 datasheet, s9018 circuit, s9018 data sheet. Amplifier transistors pnp silicon features these are pb. Luguang, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Posted on february 17, 2016 september 18, 2019 by pinout. Npn silicon transistor descriptions general purpose application. Current gain bandwidth product01 datasheet search, datasheets, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors. Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant insight into any electronic component. Mcc s9018 g micro commercial components tm s9018 h 20736 marilla street chatsworth micro commercial components ca 911 s9018 i phone. Emitter features amfm amplifier, local oscillator of fmvhf tuner high current gain bandwidth product ft1. Amplifier transistors npn silicon features these are pb. S9018 datasheet pages bilin silicon epitaxial planar. Base voltage 2n5550 2n5551 vcbo 160 180 vdc emitter.
Ss9015 pnp epitaxial silicon transistor absolute maximum ratings ta25c unless otherwise noted electrical characteristics ta25c unless otherwise noted hfe classification symbol parameter ratings units vcbo collectorbase voltage 50 v vceo collectoremitter voltage 45 v vebo emitterbase voltage 5 v ic collector current 100 a. Maximum ratings ta250c unless otherwise noted value 40 25 500 625 150 55150 units ma symbol vcbo vceo vebo parameter collectorbase voltage. Marking package code sts90 sts90 to92 outline dimensions unit. Fm transmitter circuit using c9018 transistor circuits diy. If someone could tell me in simple terms what make the s9018 better for an amplifier oscillator i would appreciate it. Semiconductor data sheets andor specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over. S9012 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. S9018 datasheet, s9018 pdf, s9018 pinout, equivalent, replacement npn transistor tuofeng semiconductor, schematic, circuit, manual. Transistor npnfeaturesamfm amplifier, local oscillator of fmvhf tunerhigh current gain bandwidth product ft1. S9018 datasheet, s9018 pdf, s9018 pinout, equivalent, replacement amfm amplifier local oscillator of fmvhf tuner fairchild semiconductor, schematic, circuit, manual. Fairchild, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors.
410 550 238 825 376 1170 394 1435 968 482 673 1322 1289 1382 401 520 1650 1092 433 408 1285 1650 836 1295 1179 126 492 623 843 1427 1300 340 1196 36 946